Friday 18 August 2017

Benefits of Listening to Music –

If you also love listening to songs then there is good news for you. Yes people!! Study reveals that music works as stress booster and makes you happier. It has a lot of health benefits. People of different ages have different interest in music. Some are crazy for rock or jazz and some loves classical. Whatever music it is, it will be healthy for you.. I am not kidding!! Listening music is quite beneficial to health.. Let’s see what those are:

  •  Visual and verbal skills are improved: 

Music is very effective for children. Study reveals that music improves verbal, communication and also visual skills and also stimulates the brain of a child. Music improves the capacity of understanding words in children quickly and describing their meaning. It is believed that Children who are involved in music usually have a higher verbal IQ. Even the younger one as one year old develops greater communication with their parents, smiles more quickly and shows greater brain response when they listen to music often.

  •  Brain remains healthy:

It is believed that Music is very effective for brain especially in the case of the old aged people when their brain also starts aging. Music exercises the brain and makes it healthy. It also increases the memory as well as sharpness of brain. People who are suffering from brain damage issues can also recover themselves partially or fully depending on the severity of the damage. This can happen as music helps in recollecting old memories.

  •  It makes you happy:

Music can also influence your emotions. It can make you feel happy, sad, motivated or excited      depending upon the choice of music you are hearing. If you are listening to song that will inspire you or make you happy, it will make you positive all day and keep you happy all day. It works same like chocolate works as mood buster

  •  Eases different body issues:


It is said that music does not only affect brain but also it strengthens the heart and reduces the risk of heart diseases. Music is bliss to heart patients. It keeps the mind calm and also improves the health. It is believed that people who listen to music eight after cardiac surgery have less risk of anxiety or pain compared to others. Music is also capable to reduce blood pressure and distress.
  • Boosts immune system and reduces body pain:

A study tells that music also reduces level of the stress hormone cortical. Stress hormone cortical weaken the immune system, increases the risk of heart disease. It also affects learning and memory and lowers bone density and controls blood pressure. Listening music also helps in increasing the antibodies in the body and reduces body pain to a particular extent.

We did not know that music is so beneficial. It does not keep you calm but also offers you a healthy life. So people what are you waiting for? Music has such a lot to offer to your health. No one can stop us to listen music now.. enjoy the music and those who dare to stop you can be told the benefits.

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